Sunday, January 4, 2009

Bonjour people.
Went to Malacca early morning.
Shopping there.
So yeaps, I'm back.
Church class starts tmr.
Okay, basically, i don't have anything to update about.
So yeahs.

To Fan;
Alright, whoever you are. I don't care okay.
I kindly let you spout your nonsensical comments in my tag board.
And i didn't ban your IP, nor did i erase your comments.
But this time, you've gone overboard.
Who are you to meddle in my affairs?
What makes you think i'm just replacing Ben with Igy.
Who the fuck are you to think that.
Please okay. I have my limits to tolerate your nonsense.
Maybe you've never been in love before,
so i forgive you for not knowing how it feels like.
So, let me tell you.
It wasn't easy letting go of someone.
But i still did.
Okay, And you think its so easy to like someone either?
Why don't you try it yourself.
Don't be dumb please.
Ben maybe someone i've liked in the past.
But thats already something i've decided to leave behind in the past.
Understand that fact.
You think you can replace someone so easily?
People you love aren't pets.
You can't buy an exact new one.
Sorry okay, the ones that are precious to me are irreplaceable.
I'm not like you.
I treasure them.
So don't come to th-clover-x3 to crap and bullshit.
When you don't even know anything about me and my life.
My life, nobody understands how sophisticated and complicated it is.
So save your bullshits alright.

Sorry Ben, sorry Igy.
I had to do this.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

This blog is gonna be deleted soon.
New year, new blog.
Anyway. School was alright.
Still can't believe Suganthi is our form teacher.
There goes my green socks.
After school went to NP room to prepare for CCA open house.
Which is next Saturday?
Yeaps. I can't wait for cheerleadinggggggggggg. :D
Tiring day today.
Was actually hesitating, whether to go for Project J or not.
But yeaps, i convinced myself to go.
I didn't regret going.
In fact, i was glad i went.
At least i know, He's alright.
I thank God.
This is the best Christmas present He could ever give to me.
- To see Him again.

I'm sorry.

Friday, January 2, 2009

At least, tell me you're okay.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Did a stupid quiz.
Bored to death.

#01. Explain your relationship status :Emotionally attached. Hahs.
#02. Name a lyric from the last song you listened to : Cry- The Veronicas. ; " I'm breaking your heart, but i'm breaking apart."
#03. What did you wear today? : OBS shirt and FBT shorts.
#04. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses ?: Neither.
#05. How many windows are open on your computer ?: Three.
#06. What are you doing after this ? : Dinner? Hahs.
#07. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing ?; OBS ? Lol.
#08. Do you like To Cuddle ?: Yeaps, definately.
#09. Which one of your cousins is closest to you in age ?: Regina! 7 months apart.
#10. Do you like someone? What is the first letter of that person? : Nopes i love someone. It starts with a Capital " I " . Hahas!
#11. Do you like hugs? : Yeaps.
#12. Are you a loud person?: Hmm, lets see, maybe yes, maybe no.
#13. Look to your left, what do you see ?: My phone, Flu.
#14. What is one thing you would love to happen tomorrow?: To find myself dead. Hahs.
#15. Would your parents be mad if you come home smashed ?: Are you kidding? I'll be dead meat. #16. Have you ever had a crush on your siblings friend?: Hahas! Yeaps. In the past.
#17. Does it matter to you if your boyf/girlf smokes ?: It does, but as long as he quits, who cares ?
#18. Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life ?: Hahs. Maybe yes, maybe no.
#19. Is there a guy/girl that knows everything or mostly everything about you ?: Nopes.
#20. Who was the last person you had a phone call longer than 7 minutes ?: Igy Prob.
#21. How often do you hold back from saying what you think ?: Hmm. I don't know.
#22. Last serious hug ?: Day honey went for his trip, or so i think.
#23. Would you ever dye your hair blonde ?: I'd rather brown.
#24. Is something bothering you ?: Yeaps. But i won't tell you what,
#25. Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes ?: Hahas. Are they ?
#26. Do you believe that you can change for someone ?: Yeaps.
#27. What time you woke up this morning ?: 10 plus 11am.
#28. Would you go back in time to change something ?: Yeap. Many things. Like my PSLE results
#29. Is it hard leaving people behind ?: Yeap. Definately. Try dying then you'll know.
#30. What are you excited for ?: How i know -.-
#31. Who was the last missed call from ?: Private number.
#32. What was the last thing you spent your money on ?: Green apple milkshake.
#33. Is there one song that reminds you of the whole summer ?: When you're gone.
#34. What are you doing right now?: Thinking. Hahs.
#35. Can you handle the truth ?: Nopes.
#36. How's your life lately ?: Like fcuking shit.
#37. When's the last time you did something you knew was wrong ?: Buy chocolates when i'm gaining weight.
#38. Do you hate being alone ?: Sometimes.
#39. Where were you last night ?: Where else, Home of course.
#40. Last non-alcoholic beverage consumed ?: Iced- Milo.
#41. Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them ?: Definately.
#42. When did you first get Myspace ?: Myspace is dumb i tell you .
#43. Are you drifting away from any friends ?: Maybe.
#44. What are you listening to ?: Yume No Tsubasa.
#45. What are you doing tonight ?: Pack my bags for school tmr.
#46. Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you ?: Yeap, the dearest person in my life.
#47. Are you wearing socks ?: Crazy, of course not !
#48. Do you have anything in your pockets right now ?: Nopes.
#49. Who's your last text from ?: Stephanie.
#50. Are you comfortable with answering personal questions?: Been there, done that.
#51. Ever kiss someone who smokes ?: Been there, done that.
#52. Someone on your mind right now ?: Ain't it obvious ?
#53. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled ?: Nopes. Only a spendthrift.
#54. Who was the last person to sit on your bed?: Hmm. Flu, Hahas.
#55. Where were you at 2.02 this morning ?: Sleeping, what else -.-
#56. Did you go to sleep last night smiling ?: Nopes, worried.
#57. Anyone told you a secret this week ?: Yeaps.
#58. When was the last time you bought something ?: Yesterday.
#59. Do you play an instrument ?: Not really.
#60. What's your favourite number ?: 11
Once again, Happy new year ! :D
Well, finally.
School's starting tomorrow.
I haven't started on any homework.
I'm so dead.
Gonna be stuck outside commence room.
But at least i can get my mind off things.
Bad way to get the new year started huh?
Serious year already.
Lucky no N' levels.
But yeah.
Mr tan's not our form teacher anymore.
I hope Miss Goh is though.
I don't know what to bring tomorrow man.
And yes. Can see BFF Debbi ! :D
Hope tomorrow no POA.
Wonder if Flu's coming with me tmr..
Sometimes, i wonder.
What are you doing right now?
How are you?
Are you well ?
Basically, went out to pack brunch.
Walked really slowly.
Went to that void-deck for awhile..
Went home, cook.