Thursday, January 1, 2009

Did a stupid quiz.
Bored to death.

#01. Explain your relationship status :Emotionally attached. Hahs.
#02. Name a lyric from the last song you listened to : Cry- The Veronicas. ; " I'm breaking your heart, but i'm breaking apart."
#03. What did you wear today? : OBS shirt and FBT shorts.
#04. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses ?: Neither.
#05. How many windows are open on your computer ?: Three.
#06. What are you doing after this ? : Dinner? Hahs.
#07. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing ?; OBS ? Lol.
#08. Do you like To Cuddle ?: Yeaps, definately.
#09. Which one of your cousins is closest to you in age ?: Regina! 7 months apart.
#10. Do you like someone? What is the first letter of that person? : Nopes i love someone. It starts with a Capital " I " . Hahas!
#11. Do you like hugs? : Yeaps.
#12. Are you a loud person?: Hmm, lets see, maybe yes, maybe no.
#13. Look to your left, what do you see ?: My phone, Flu.
#14. What is one thing you would love to happen tomorrow?: To find myself dead. Hahs.
#15. Would your parents be mad if you come home smashed ?: Are you kidding? I'll be dead meat. #16. Have you ever had a crush on your siblings friend?: Hahas! Yeaps. In the past.
#17. Does it matter to you if your boyf/girlf smokes ?: It does, but as long as he quits, who cares ?
#18. Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life ?: Hahs. Maybe yes, maybe no.
#19. Is there a guy/girl that knows everything or mostly everything about you ?: Nopes.
#20. Who was the last person you had a phone call longer than 7 minutes ?: Igy Prob.
#21. How often do you hold back from saying what you think ?: Hmm. I don't know.
#22. Last serious hug ?: Day honey went for his trip, or so i think.
#23. Would you ever dye your hair blonde ?: I'd rather brown.
#24. Is something bothering you ?: Yeaps. But i won't tell you what,
#25. Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes ?: Hahas. Are they ?
#26. Do you believe that you can change for someone ?: Yeaps.
#27. What time you woke up this morning ?: 10 plus 11am.
#28. Would you go back in time to change something ?: Yeap. Many things. Like my PSLE results
#29. Is it hard leaving people behind ?: Yeap. Definately. Try dying then you'll know.
#30. What are you excited for ?: How i know -.-
#31. Who was the last missed call from ?: Private number.
#32. What was the last thing you spent your money on ?: Green apple milkshake.
#33. Is there one song that reminds you of the whole summer ?: When you're gone.
#34. What are you doing right now?: Thinking. Hahs.
#35. Can you handle the truth ?: Nopes.
#36. How's your life lately ?: Like fcuking shit.
#37. When's the last time you did something you knew was wrong ?: Buy chocolates when i'm gaining weight.
#38. Do you hate being alone ?: Sometimes.
#39. Where were you last night ?: Where else, Home of course.
#40. Last non-alcoholic beverage consumed ?: Iced- Milo.
#41. Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them ?: Definately.
#42. When did you first get Myspace ?: Myspace is dumb i tell you .
#43. Are you drifting away from any friends ?: Maybe.
#44. What are you listening to ?: Yume No Tsubasa.
#45. What are you doing tonight ?: Pack my bags for school tmr.
#46. Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you ?: Yeap, the dearest person in my life.
#47. Are you wearing socks ?: Crazy, of course not !
#48. Do you have anything in your pockets right now ?: Nopes.
#49. Who's your last text from ?: Stephanie.
#50. Are you comfortable with answering personal questions?: Been there, done that.
#51. Ever kiss someone who smokes ?: Been there, done that.
#52. Someone on your mind right now ?: Ain't it obvious ?
#53. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled ?: Nopes. Only a spendthrift.
#54. Who was the last person to sit on your bed?: Hmm. Flu, Hahas.
#55. Where were you at 2.02 this morning ?: Sleeping, what else -.-
#56. Did you go to sleep last night smiling ?: Nopes, worried.
#57. Anyone told you a secret this week ?: Yeaps.
#58. When was the last time you bought something ?: Yesterday.
#59. Do you play an instrument ?: Not really.
#60. What's your favourite number ?: 11

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