Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hello people ! :D
I'm in an extremely high mood today.
Well, the temporary commitee was announced yesterday.
I was quite happy with my post, well, Kinloong and i were. HAHAS.
Say goodbye to proposals for now. :D
Okay, PDT was funfunfun la !
We did well, hahas !
But, i ended up with blueblacks.
Well, actually, Daphne got it worse than me. :P
And Hazman was like Ow Ow Ow. LOL.
His hip has a big blublack. Poor him .
Didn't stay long at the Civics Centre.
Went Causeway point with Su ling, Daphne, Bobo, Felicia, Kinloong and Jing min.
Was so tired but carried on walking, just to evaporate all the sweat. -.-
Hahas ! After that went home with Kinloong.
It was a great day, well, i guess.
Officers treated us McChicken.
Just now Megan was crying beside Sir tan, but he like didn't notice.
Cause Megan too small, until like Felicia Baobao went to told him.
He gave the expression like, OMG. Lol !
Yesterday's training was fun, and it went all smooth.
Maybe we really CAN run the unit :D
I'm so proud of my squad please !
Okok, we'll work harder.
Gambate ! (:
P.S. I'm getting worked up so easily, i think i must learn Yoga.
For example, getting SMSes from those bo liao people. I'm not giving a crap.
I'm saving my phone from being confiscated ._.

So its a cold war after all.
But sorry, it doesn't work on me.
mata' ashita.

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