Sunday, October 26, 2008

Alrightys. One last post for today and i'm done.
I tell you, Sky of Love is fantabulous.
Vanessa said : " if you don't cry watching this movie you not human ah. "
Then i said: " No la, i never cry. HAHA. "
I actually was. Lol.
Hiro is cute can !
And though some parts of the story was kinda lame.
Its touching like idk what.
Well, gonna rewatch it some other day.
Without my sister, that is.
Urgh. Dying for horror movies.
But i'm such a bum.
Lazy to go to the cinema which is approx 4 stops away.
Hahas. What a drag. Lol.
I'm gonna get a drumstick.
Eh? Not that chicken kidda drumstick people.
Lol. DRUM-stick. Gonna carve something special on it.
I can't wait. Mmph :D
Don't know whether i'm having appendictis or whatever you call it.
My stomach's been hurting like hell lately.
Ciaos !

Saturday, October 25, 2008

nice right, hahas.
I mean like, cool la please.
I'll try to go for a few violin lessons. HAHAS.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Bonjour people.
This post is about my super bad results.
When i said bad, i mean bad.
Okay, i failed Triple math.
Also known as A math, emath and POA.
So so disappointed about my results.
Mr tan still included some disturbing remarks -.-
Won't emphasise in detail though.
Quite dumb.
Anyway, I'm still going to 4A1.
YAY me ? Hahas.
Another word for stupid, Dense.
Confirmation is coming alrd.
Its so fast, camp.
Another thing.
The publicity campaigne was a total waste of my bloody time.
I mean like, want to cancel then do it in the first place luh.
Don't waste all the CCA group's time.
Put in so much effort, in the end ?
Tell me no time, then might as well don't hold it in the first place.
Think people so free as to come down or stay back for training.
Don't know what shit excuse they giving me.
That day was The trip to Singapore flyer day.
And i tell you, it frigging ruined my mood.
What a drag.
And you just tell me a simple sorry.
Sorry. I don't give a damn.
Now i'll focus on CCA open house instead.
I think it'll be much better.
HAHAS. Ciaos !

P.s This post is not pointing to any CCA in particular.
I just think the whole event was a waste of our time thats all. -.-
Other class 's painting
other class's painting

3A1's Mozac painting :D
So proud of myself. Lol.
Because i did most of the painting. HAHA.
Anyway, it was fun.
I lovee art :D Hahas.
Okay, Ciaos !

Bonjour !
My deepest apologies for being such a bum though exams are long over.
Anyway, i'll update, a long one ?
Alrighty! Lets see.
First time on the Singapore flyer gave me a very fascinating experience. LOL.
omg. Like writing compo.
Yeaps, snap pictures, talk talk, see scenery, thats about it.
I'll post pictures on the Singapore flyer trip.
Nice view right ! :D
From inside the cabin

Clover & Lil' Miss Trouble !

3A1's treasures, the only 6 guys. LOL.

Qaisser 's Big GULP.

Uchiha clan ! :D Huat ah !~

Till then, Ciaos !

Friday, October 10, 2008

Bonjour people !
Finally, exams are over.
Mug mug mug till 3- 4 am is gonna kill me yah.
Anyway, a few paper owned me and some i own. hahas !
Okay, POA is confirm goner, Emaths, chemistry.
After last paper i went home.
Mmph. slept at about two.
Woke up at 7.30 pm.
Hahas ! Today slept till 1145.
Lazy bum.
Thanks to all my taggers who kept tagging me,
though it seem that i have not blogged in like, forever.
POA paper 1, i did it for 10 mins then i went to sleep. LOL.
I mean, seriously.
It's what they say, "don't know how to do, tikam la ! "
I can't believe it. I actually though A maths was much easier than Emaths.
Lol. Anyway, can't wait for KBOX.
I want to thank my cousin who stayed up with me last minute,
To do my Trading, Profit and loss and Balance sheet.
HAHAS. And Mr ng actually said i scored well in in that area :D

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Look at the time people.
Its 3.48 am.
I spent about 2 hours doing blogskin.
Because something was wrong with e' code.
Anyway, great news :D
I scored 30/40 for my Paper 2 Passage A.
But there's a possibility that i won't do too well.
I was thinking of something else while writing my compo.
Mmph. Joping didn't come today.
So bored can.
And and and.
D gray man is at the final episode already,
Omg. What am i gonna watch from now on man.
I ran out of nice animes like S.A to watch.
Grr, but VK is coming out already.
So i'll just wait then.
For now, its bedtime.