Monday, January 21, 2008

Hahas ! This is super cute (:
Okays. Blogged on the secret la. Never so good de -.-
Anyways, what a day ! :X Today stayed back in school to play, cum waiting for Shishi.
Heehees. Was kindda weird day. Yeahs . 0.0
So, went to 7-eleven, with liat zhen as company. Hurhurs.
Then saw Zappy at 7-eleven. Lol. Said HI man ! 0.0 Gosh.
I thought it was never gonna happen till 10 years later. :XX
Hahas ! Miracle one ! ^^ Heehees.
Then was like wearing Jasiman's specs around. Dizzy man. -.-
Went back school and changed into Art club tee. Then go play ! !~
Today had many secrets. Shall not tell u . (:
And guess what. On friday, i Accidentally stepped on my adidas watch.
And oh oh oh ! Im so gonna buy a nike bottle.
PLUS, An OBS shirt. !!!!!! Aneh COOL. Lol.
Today was practically slacking at concourse, and saying retarded things.
And they came up with the term, " NCOs are all retarded. "
Lol. Weird, but yeahs. Quite true. :X No offences though.
Wahs. Then walked home in the same direction man.
Edbert, Haikal, Jasiman, Sisi, Canice and me, The trio !
HA HA . -.- Lol. Aiya, ITS ALL WEIRD !
Lol. ok. shall sleep now. Tired, if not during emaths tmr i sure knock out.
Sayonara :DDDD
p.s. Still worrying about campcraft. But as jiaxin said, it'll be ok.
we'll be one better.

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