Sunday, January 6, 2008

Okay. Sorry for not posting. As some were saying, my blog is rotting.
Sooo Not true okays. I can't blog. Not i don't want to blog. Geesh.
Im having problems with my parents, apparently, they are the culprits.
Shit them -.- Lol :X Jkjk. Erms, i totally forgot the contents for what im gonna post.
Grrs. Yesterday was at my grandmother's house, playing "football" most of the time.
My cousin was like so frigging violent can. He kick the ball can like give you blueblacks la.
Poor me ~ Lmaos. -.- Hahas. Mdm Aini was like gonna check uniform starting tmr. Shit her la.
Grrs. Hahas. Yesterday's training left everyone with leg cramp la. Lol. But was quite fun.
Hahas ! Yeahs. And my flu is getting from bad to worst.
Hurhurs. Cannot ton late. Which is a total bummer.
Wonder how am i gonna scrape through this year. Hahas !
No slack no slack. Yeaps. Until next sat/sun, then i'll blog ^^
So mata ashita ~ :DD

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