Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hahas. Im blogging now. Yeahs. Its like wow. Lol
Anyways ! Baka leh zappy ! :X Give me fake link i seriously go put man.
Lol. I know ima blur. -.- Hahas.
Anyways, my job was sorta completed. *giggles*
Okays. Competition, Competition, Competition.
I can't think of anything else. Hurhurs. Im so going for OBS.
The tee is like so frigging cool man. Hahas ! :D
Im so tired lehs. Today baka had her confirmation.
I was hungry you see, hurhurs.
Thanks a bunch to those who left me their links.
Love you guys :D
later going out to view houses. So yeahs. Feel like sleeping.
end. :XX
我不能愛上你.不可以,不可以 !
懂得讓我微笑的人, 再沒有誰比你有天份.

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