Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm no idiot either.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Don't believe that it was a coincidence.
Neither do i believe its fate.
Anyway, been couch potato-ing for 2 days.
There's not much to blog.
Ate at BK just now.
Didn't have much appetite though.
Maybe i ate too much. Mmph.
I won't set any hopes for now.
I know that it will fall, every single time.
So, i'd rather not disappoint myself time and again.
One Friday without NP seems so weird.
But thank god.
If not, Mr Tan would take my precious Saturday for remedials.
Grr. Chinese paper was alright.
I copied and paste 2 short paragraphs into a 7 mark question.
Lol. Literally, its wrong, but don't know what crap to write.
So i edited a lil' bit. HAHA.
Yewfai described my mood as "Scary".
Well, because of all the stress i'm getting.
I tend to get mad at people who step on my toes quite easily.
Oh well.
I bet i'll be back to normal when exams are over.
We're in a Loop.
I think people who take litearture will understand.
That is, if they are smart enough.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I had it.
Mr tan is too much alrighty.
He threw us 2 tests and on top of that, we had a Social studies and Physics test.
Everyday was A math cum E math hell.
Because he threw us tests EVERYDAY.
Like i said, i'm gonna lose my sanity before EOY starts.
I remembered, i stared hard at the paper and i got so stressed up.
I was cursing and swearing at Mr tan please.
I know he's doing this for our own good.
But i think he's going too far.
Today was the most stressing day i've ever been through.
I'm serious.
The first time i ever cried because i felt i was gonna explode.
After the test, i felt i could like burst, so i ran out.
Tomorrow there's another test again.
I don't know how long this is gonna carry on.
The only thing i know is that,
I can't take it anymore.
And i'm in awe of those who took O level subjects all at one go.
Kudos man.
Now, I'd rather fall sick and die.
I think even the express has it better than us.
Fight or Flight ?

Monday, September 22, 2008

This whole week is gonna be stressing.
Mock exams for the whole week.
Remedials, remedials and more remedials.
Saturday night, my cousin stayed over at my house.
Was quite fun though, i admired her flexibility, literally.
Talked a lot, and laughed a lot. Really relaxed a lot compared
to last week.
Last week was Rank and Badge presentation,
And I didn't screw up, YAY.
I really thought a lot these days.
Be it Friends, School, Relationships, etc.
Whats the point of being so down and frustrated over you ?
Whats the point of crying and being such an idiot all e' time ?
Whats the bloody point ?
Talking about school.
I'm frigging pissed with Mr Tan last Saturday.
Like seriously.
I was so damn angry, frustrated.
I actually talked back to him.
Look, i'm tired okay. I'm TIRED.
I'll actually lose my sanity before the exams.
Can't wait for NP to resume.
Can destress.
Preparing for next year's speech day.
Can't wait, and yes.
Its armsdrill training again :D

Imagine, feeling all upset.
And turning back, there's no one there for you.
Its that feeling.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Today marks the standing down of NPCC because of exams.
I sat in for Emcee again.
BUTBUT. This time i did it right. HAHAS.
Speech day is coming, and we're gonna train hard ! :D
P.E was like " what a drag ! "
I mean, seriously.
But got to finish my conversation with JP though.
I asked JP, would she love a person who doesn't like her back ?
She said, if he makes her sad all the time, she would give up.
Though she would be sad and would cry for awhile.
But does that make everything blow over ?
I don't think so.
Even how hard i'd try to cry, my tears ain't fallin'.
Because of you, i am afraid.
We're as good as strangers.
Agree ?
Though i have no right to judge people.
I don't like people to judge Academic people as well.
You think we don't have the capability to do something?
If you're so smart and think you're so big shot,
Then why aren't you doing it ?
Please think thrice about judging people.
If you're so all THAT,
Go join Miss/Mr Congeniality or whatever.
Because people like you, don't even deserve my attention.
Neither do you deserve me writing about you.
*Not pointing to anyone in particular. This is for Maria.
So moody these few days.
So indifferent to the surroundings.
Like i said, i don't care.
I don't give a damn anymore.
A bitch ? You don't deserve that title.
I apologise for my rudeness in this post.
Though it came from the bottom of my heart.
Want to be so judgemental,
the first person you ought to judge is,
none other than yourself.
I don't even think you would understand,
So just forget it.
Tomorrow there's extra lessons.
Thanks to Mr tan.
And i'm having a mock exam tmr.
My last chance for my Amaths to pass.
I'm gonna sleep late anyway. Mmph.

" Baby i said, Please stay,
Give our love a chance for one more day."

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Watched S.A subbed.
Mmph. Superb ending, expected.
Today had English oral.
Nothing to worry about i guess.
And i officially ran out of wine.
I'm tired.
Tired of everything.
Gomenasai, for giving you so much trouble.
But, i guess.
This is the end.
I know i've let you down.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Okay. It seemed like i abandoned my blog.
Anyway, tomorrow's oral, at least not chinese.
Finished watching vampire knight in 2 days.
Slow, i know. No anime to watch please.
Watched S.A already.
Watching Hell girl now.
I don't have any mood to study.
Especially when i keep drinking wine.
Thanks to me, my bottle of wine is finishing.
Whats the best way to get rid of my troubles ?
That, i ask myself.
Are you afraid of getting hurt ?
Then, what bout' me ?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Okay, i know my blog is rotting like god knows what.
Anyway, If i'm ever going Zhu hai again,
i'l splurge on anime dvds and vcds man.
Special A is a superb anime.
5 thumbs up ! That is, if i had that many. LOL.
Mr Tan keeps flooding us with homework.
Hope i can keep my place in 4A1.
Though i only failed POA, my grades ain't that fantastic.
Friday was cool.
The only training where we had about 1 and a half hours of break.
Since its only those not promoted tested.
Played volleyball, captain's ball, all sorts of things.
Like seriously, it was really that boring.
Okay. I can't believe i'm not studying these days.
I'm so gonna flunk my A maths and POA.
Kudos to me then.
Someone, give me motivation please !

Monday, September 8, 2008

Today celebrated Daddy's birthday in advance at Vienna.
Wasn't really a fun day though.
I've lost my ring,
to be exact, i knew i dropped it.
But i didn't want to pick it up.
Anyway. This marks e' end of the Sept. holidays.
For all those with prelims, Gambate.
zutto zutto daisuki.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

It seemed like a thousand years since i last blogged.
Well, now's 2.39 am.
I wonder whats wrong with my eyesight.
Its like i can't see that clearly or accurately anymore.
Maybe my degree increased.
Anyway. Sorry for the lack of updates.
The one week break is ending.
And i didn't even study during this break.
Or rather, been playing my laptop all this while, no ?
Guilty please.
Okays, my eyes are giving me a headache.
Today spent half the day printing out lyrics and arranging.
Waste ink. Lol.
Watched TsubasaRC, theres no season 3 i think.
So sad please, really.
Now, i'm lacking of anime to watch.
Since DGM and NS only come out once a week.
Which is so sickening.
I'll go watch Taiwan dramas then.
Lol. But though i'm back in maple,
I'll stop for awhile, and study for a lil.
Pass POA man, if not my report card is gonna be UGLY.
Oh well. Tomorrow going Vienna to celebrate,
Daddy's Bday in advance.
Hope can shop a lil'.
Alrights. Ciaos.
Yume 'no Tsubasa
mata a'shita

Friday, September 5, 2008

Why love someone who treats you like something convenient ?
When they need you, they'll find you.
When you're not needed, then, goodbye.
Is this some kind of joke ?
I hope not.
Fate never let me chose whether i wanted to love you or not.
Who would want to choose such a painful choice ?
Well. Anyway, its 5.06am.
Im turning in.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Frankly speaking, I'm feeling miserable.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

If i could really make you change your mind, i'll do anything.
But the problem is, you have already given up on me.
We've come to a stage where there's no turning back.
I don't want to hear lies.
I'd rather hear the truth.
How do you feel about me ?
What are you thinking ?
I simply don't know.