Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hubby ! :DD Lol.
Wahs. Been chionging maple all day. Was quite slacky.
Lol. Tmr go Mp2 chiong level. Hurhurs. Died there accidentally.
Arghs. T.T And there's like no Zhu ge liang wand, or sun quan staff !
What the hell. Grrs. Shit the FM la ! Lol. No offences.
I chionging 3rd job.. I think ? Hahas. And Yes.
I finally cut my hair. But not short la. Hahas !
Probably look different. Hmm. Hurhurs.
Bakabakabakabakabakabaka !!
Zappy go mega something which he shouldn't ! Geesh !!
Evil. Lol. Played catching in maple, so fun la. Hurhurs !
So next week sch reopen le. Then got cca. Hahas.
Then guys wear long pants le ! No more shorts. Bwuahas.
See werid weird de. Geesh. Anyway, i can't wait ! :DD Hurhurs.
Miss everyone loads ! ~~~ Ahhs. bakabakabakabaka !!~~
Lol. Bye ! :DDD

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Chiwassu ! ~

Best cousins ! (:

Nice picture ! :DD

Have a lot of pictures. Lazy to post them out.
Hurhurs. I f not wrong ,next week sch reopen le.
Yay ! DEBBI ! Lol. I caught a flu. And my eyes are totally swollen -.-
Anyways ! Happy Christmas. Didn't receive a lot of presents though.
Only Xiao min Gave us a present each. Gosh. I love her man.
The adults earn so much and in the end my mum give only.
Wthell. Hurhurs. Xiaomin gave us a folder. Cute la.
Then Gina gave us a nod-nod head toy ^^ Kawaii !
Well, Christmas is gonna be forgotten ? Nahs. Hope not.
Anyways, got my scholarship ! Yay ! :DDDD
So happy. Hurhurs. Baka's godbrother was like abit taller then me the last time i saw him.
Then he came to my house just now with the frigging height of 180 ! Argh.
Must play more bb and jump more skipping ropes ! :XX
Ahr.Didn't get his contact also. Blahs. Lol.
Chatted with Deshun and er zi. Lol. Long time no talk. Hurhurs.
Aiya. So tried. Lol. Tmr sleep ~~~~

Monday, December 24, 2007

Hubby ! :DDD Loves loves !
And woots. Today is Christmas eve ! (:
Lol. Went to buy presents on Friday, with my mama.
Was like wah piang ehs. So many things i wanted to buy.
So decided on a new pair of Converse sneakers.
But then Vivo had so limited designs.
So we went out to J8 the next morning. Hurhurs.
And Guess who i saw ! Css Joanna ! :DD Lol.
But ! piang ehs. Lol. Debbi saw SHAWNY ! T.T
GEESH !!! Lol. Okays. Later going to ah ma house .
Celebrate. Heehees. Hope get many presents !
Bwuahhas. I bought the Converse sneakers.
But then i didn't like the design actually.
Mama la. Say no white and no black.
What the heck man. So anyhow pick one out la. hurhurs.
Things are no longer the way they are.
Hahas. nothing.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I'm feel so frigging frustrated okays. Yeahs.
Peeps. Stop pissing me out, im gonna scream anytime.
Geesh. Its not because of my CCA la. Its because of something else.
Wells. Its no use raking the past up.
Just build a bridge and get over it for goodness sake.
Hurhurs. Okay. Today was really frigging moodless.
And thus, the timing dropped. Don't know why. Hahas.
Wells. Amost half the team went for the prefect's thingy.
And Suling and I had to do the gadget ourselves.
So was quite of gan chiong la. Lol.
And yeahs. I didn't have any energy. Though didn't run today.
Maybe i didn't drink Pocari Sweat. Hmm. Lol.
Im not advertising BUT ! It seriously does work ! ^^
Yeahyeahs ! And yeahs. Lol.
Yonghe works at NTUC ! Hurhurs :XX
So cool can. And earn quite a lot leh. Hmm.
Next time i work maybe i get more money . :DD
Hahas ! Im lacking of money man ! Geesh !
Today when we were doing campcraft,
many of us were chit-chatting away.
Then ma'am Sharbana was like " QUACK QUACK " !
Lol. So i was like shhh !!! Hurhurs. So gaoxiao.
Hahas. Okay. I'll update tmr.
Lol. And so happy today. Watched so many ANIME ! :DD
Im ANIME freako okays. ^^
mata ashita ! :DD
I don't care what misunderstandings there are okay.
Im just sick and tired of all the crap attitude you giving me.
And i just don't care anymore.

Monday, December 17, 2007

We're falling apart.
Somehow i felt that way. I just didn't want to say it.
We don't talk like how we do anymore.
And when we do, you just fall asleep.
Wells. Thats how i felt even though i don't say it.
握紧了手心里的爱 我勇敢了起来

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Hurhurs. Lol. My trip was like shopping and eating. Like Gosh. I think im fat now.
Need to lose weight le.Lol. And yeahs. I missed Hubby ! Heehees.
But sorry guys. Mummy and daddy didnt give us any money or time to shop T.T
Which is like sad la. No presents. Sorry. Lol. But then had fun too luhs. Hahas.
The hotel room we stayed at was like bigger than my whole house man. Geesh.
Hahas ! Seriously la. Lol. And like Boo yeahs ! I got my Adidas watch ^^
Heehees. Bought many many clothes. Hmm. Lol. Then went to KTV.
Sang like 50++ songs :X Lol. Ok la. Too lazy to blog. Lol.
Update tmr bah ^^^ NITES !

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hellooo peepos ! :DD
Another day, Hmm. Hurhurs. Today was extremely suay dao ~
Girl problem la uh. Hahas ! Geesh. And my stomach was cramping like siao.
Hurhurs, can die la. If i was at home i would have rolled around on the floor le. -.-
Anyways ! Today was okay la. Not as bad as tuesday le.
And Ma'am Sharbana brought her brother. Lol. Like cute la cans ? :X
Lol. Look like her leh. But then very quiet. Shy ? Hmm. Lol !
Today all of us improved.
Because i could see that not many ppl were gan chiong-ing when tying the thingy.
Hurhurs ! And YAY-NESS for Gadget girls team ! :DD We got like 9 min + record.
Woohoo ! We beat the guys practically ^^ Boo Yeah ! Guys got like 12 min + .
Hahas ! After that was Fancy Drill, and we had some really cool moves.
Hurhurs ! :X Was feeling blur luhs.
Because stomach was hurting for about an hour or so, Lol.
Don't worry Sir tan. Theres nothing wrong with your maggi :XX
Hahas ! And that sisi didn't turn up today. Like Geesh. Im gonna whack her. Lol.
Today was like funny la.
Because the pail of twines were so tangled up until we couldn't find the handle.
Which was also a twine luh. Lol. So pek cek la. Cos all tangled until .. DUH.
Lol. So Jolene asked Ma'am Sharbana whether we could cut the twine instead of untangle it.
So she said : Ask the pail la.
Then Jolene said: The pail didn't answer.
Lol. So i go say : Aiya. Silence means consent la . Hahas! :XXXXXX
Gosh. Lol.
Then Sir Chi peng was like : wah. Silence means consent uh. You ah. Watch too much chinese drama le.
Lol. Indeed true enough =p
So after that dismantled and brought everything bak into NP room. Time for fancy drill ! :DDD
Then i started having cramps, a little at first but then later is like piang ehs.
Im dying. Lol -.- So i just kept it in for about an hour then buay tahan le. Hurhurs !
Then went to eat medicine. Then rest rest felt much better le ^^ Yah. Hurhurs :
Anyways, i just had fun today (: Hurhurs. I lovee np man ! :DDD
And yeahs. Hubby is bak. And im leaving for KL tmr.
So please keep me SMS-free. Hahas.
And yeahs. Take care people. BYE !

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Seriously, im frigging tired having to think and think and worry about everything.
Its making me tired. Urgh. Practically, im worrying about everything.
And like Thank God in the Heavens. I didn't have any strange dreams yesterday.
Lol. Just hope theres no PT tmr. If not. Hurhurs. Die !
And i thought they decided on the design for the campcraft tee. But then must mit up again.
Like wth. Geesh. I can't even rest when i come bak from my holiday -.-
Its frigging me out. I can't afford to be tired. I can't.
Hurhurs. And on friday i would be going to KL so pls don message me !
Okay. Hahas. I gtg liaus.
Hubby coming bak tmr ! :XX

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Today, it was a terrible day for me. Not because of Cca, but rather partly la.
If i lie i must fly. :XX Hurhurs. This morning, at about 3.08am, i woke up from a stupid nightmare.
Like What the hell la. Chua sai luh ! Omgosh luh. I woke up like 3 times leh. Damn.
Only Jinxing and Sisi know what happened. I just think its weird thats all.
And i couldn't sleep for an hour. Then was like Omgosh luh.
Once i close my eyes i could dream of that same frigging thing luhs. Hurhurs. :XX
Okay. Don't want to talk bout it man. Lol. Im frigged OUT !
Today's training wasn't slack at all. Which was good, cause we couldn't afford to.
The AI CIs came down to our training today. Lol. And had PT in the morning.
I didn't know what was wrong with me, been abit feverish this morning.
Maybe its because of the trauma from that weird dream. Gosh, im thinking too much.
Hurhurs. Then fancy drill was okay.
Actually the first part was supposingly Constance and Hanafi do the thingy.
Then ma'am Sharbana asked me to change place with Constance.Lol.
Then i was like Omg. Lol. Then i was walking so stiff la. Didn't feel relax. Hahas !
I just can't Look at Hanafi without Laughing. Lol. I almost got whacked by rifle. Hahas ! :XX
And the Sir was like telling Benjamin: You lie, i make you fly.
Lol. Omgosh ah. So guys, next time, don't lie ! Later fly ! :XX Hurhurs.
And campcraft, was abit rush for some of us. As time is competing against us.
But then times like this we should not feel 'gan chiong' and just keep calm.
Though its very hard to not feel frustrated, at least try not to be. Hahas.
Geesh. Hurhurs :XX Hope we can all beat the time given ^^
Everybody must Jiayous ! :DD Hurhurs.
And another torturing day. Hubby isn't here ! T.T
Hahas. The weather is cold peeps. Don't fall sick.
Hurhurs, Take cares Lots :DD

Monday, December 10, 2007

Kevin Hubby :DD heehees.
Today was a great day. Except for the fact that hubby is going camp tmr.
Like duh. Im so gonna miss him ! Okay. Must control. Lol.
Today was quite fun. Early in the morning went for meeting.
Then Sisi and i Walked around. Bored. Then called Nagisa down.
Hurhurs ! She so cute la cans? Hahas ! The dress she wore. Like WOW .
Hahas ! Saw something luhs. Lol. *laughing like mad* And yeaps.
She's gonna kill me for sure. Hurhurs. Today i was super high.Hahas.
Keep crapping since we sat down at mac. We made float !
Hurhurs ! People walk past first one spot our table. Hahas ! Geesh .
Then Saw hanafi and peeps. They come desiao. Hurhurs. :XX
Then they walked away to go find seats. About 1 hour ++, Nagisa arrived !
And we went to pick her up at the interchange. Yupyups.
And i desiao-ed her all the way form there. Hurhurs :XX Yeahs.
Then we went arcade. Played Percussion master. I suck at it. Hurhurs.
Nagisa Pro sia. Hahas! Must be go arcade a lot of times -.-
Then went to play racing. Was like so gaoxiao luh. Hanafi and gang were there also.
Hahas! Then Me, Nagisa, and Sisi were competing against each other ^^
Wahs. Then Hanafi, Edbert, Benjamin, Haikal, Terrance come desiao.
They come shift the gear, change the screen mode. Lol. Omgosh luh. Hahas !
Then Terrance helped me get second. Lol. Better than nothing la.
And and and, im not gonna get a license next time.
If i get license then the hospitals will be so busy. Hurhurs.
And Sisi said i was being horny today. Geesh . Baka. Lol. :XX
First: NAGISA !
Third: SUSU ! :X
Hurhurs. Then we left the arcade, cos bo lui, then Nagisa wanted to go eat. Hahas.
Then we slacked at mac. Doing nothing. Then we want to jio ppl come out play Bb.
SO. I called Constance and asked if any of them wanted to play.
So Haikal, Benjamin, and Edbert and their friend wanted to play.
Asked them to look for us at mac.
Hurhurs. Then in the end the whole group went down to look for us.
Hmms. To cut the long long story short.
We didn't have ball. So we think think who have ball. Lol.
So i think their friend went to take his ball. I didn't want to take mine.
Later bump into mummy den die leh. Hurhurs.
Okay. So we sent Nagisa to the MRT station, then went to khatib to wait for the guys.
Then nice weather uh. Lol. Rain. Geesh. Never mind. Lol.
Sisi and i Loveee the rain ^^ We played in the rain like siao. Hurhurs.
Then the guys arrived, Hahas. Then Edbert wanted to try half court.
Hurhurs, Then Benjamin was like : If you can go in, i roll on the floor for you to see uh.
Lol. Gaoxiao. Hahas ! Then Edbert wanted to shoot outside the box.
Then he said: if can go in i Roll on the grass foru ah. Lol.
Omg la. Then after that went to mac slack. Then went Np eat Sakae with mum.
Then went home sleep !! Lol. OK. I gotta go le. Nites Peepos ! :DDDD

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hellooo people :D Hmm. Its a bored bored day.
Hurhurs. Monday need to go library for the campcraft shirt thingy. Geesh.
Hahas. I designed already. But don't know can anot. Hahaas.
I still remembered the art club tee is me and Noreen design de. Lol.
Hurhurs ! We can be designer le :XX And yeahs.
Yesterday's Xing Guang Bang 's autograph session, I MISSED IT !
Argh. Im so frigging moody now. Geesh. Hurhurs. Down with a minor cold.
It makes it all worst. And yeahs. Next week is my nightmare.
Geesh. Tuesday-Thursday , Hubby having camp.
Argh. My life is frigging miserable. And like yeahs, Hurhurs.
I hope when my scholarship comes, im gonna shop like crazy. Geesh .
Im so desperate for my nokia fone, adidas watch, new converse shoes.
Crumpler bag, and i want to rebond and my Converse sports bag !
Haiz. Someone please kill me ! :X Geesh . And like duh. I can't buy them all .
Hope i could go get a job. Lol. As they say, Time, is money ! :DD
Hurhurs. I uploaded a video, Called Straight from the heart, from S club.
Hahas. Go listen, its Nice ! Hurhurs. And like yeahs.
I don't know whats happening, hahas, sometimes i feel that way.
Blur like a Sotong. Geesh :X Hurhurs, im missing hubby.
Peeps who i didn't expect to tag came and tag. Lol.
Chua Sai. Hurhurs. Anyways, i gotta go le. Lol. BYEES .
Hubby ILY :D

Thursday, December 6, 2007

I won't be posting any pictures or lyrics. Because quite a hassle.
Wells, i'll post one last one later. Hahas, Anyways. Had training today.
And was quite slack actually. Because it rained.
Hurhurs, then gadget Finally settled the problemo !
And Fancy drills was like fun dao ! ~ And we finally completed the whole thingy.
YAY-NESS ! I tio splinter though. Hurhurs. Was like to funny luhrs. Hahas !
My thumb just brushed against the poles and the wood just went in. Like Ouchh ?
Then I was like so frigging afraid to pull it out luhs. Hurts man. Geesh.
Then Jin xing was like I help you pluckout luh. Then i shook my head really hard.
And said No no no no no no no no ! Then i closed my eyes, then pressed.
Thought i was gonna pull out. Then i open my eyes saw a little blood. :XX
Gosh. Im gonna die ! Joke. Lol. Then Suling say Dont press ! Wahs. Okai. Lol.
Then i just plucked it out slowly and Ew. Yeahs. Lol.
And yeahs. Im missing Hubby. T.T Hurhurs !
And like omgosh. Xing Guang Bang on radio ! Hahas ! :XX
Okays. This was the quiz i done just now. Weird but true results. Hurhurs ! :X
Your view on yourself:Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education:Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.

How do you view success:Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.

What are you most afraid of:You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Hurhurs, You want to do then this is the webby.
Hahas. Okays. Heres another one. Lol. Its about colours luh. Lol.

My results: ( Din cheat Okai ! Geesh. )
The one who will never forget you is Noreen. ( I'll Never forget you too yeahs (: ~ )
The one who you can consider as your real friend is Debbi.( Aww. God Loves me and Debbi !)
The one you really love is Hubby :DD . ( Hurhur. I got the right results ! :X )
This may be your soulmate: Sisi. ( Omgosh, Hahas. )
The one you will remember for the rest of your life is Cash .( Hurhurs ! I didn't forget. )

And like yeahs. Im frigging happy with my results. Hurhurs ! :DD
I rock okay, You pebble. Lol. Joke.
Harhars, Hmm. Tomorrow im buying books with Baka. Hahas.
My books cost like $244.90 i think. Geesh !
Daylight robbery. How many PPC can i buy uh. like 20++ Huhs.
Hahas ! Anyways. I 'll post the Last lyrics for the time being.
Titled: Thats when i love you By: Aslyn
Thats When I Love You
When you have to look away
When you dont have much to say
Thats when I love you
I love you, just that way
To hear you stumble when you speak
Or see you walk with two left feet
Thats when I love you
I love you, endlessly
And when your mad cuz you lost a game
Forget Im waiting in the rain
Baby i love you,
I love you anyway
Heres my promise made tonight
You can count "on" me for life
Thats when i love you
When nothing you do can change my mind
The more I learn, The more I love
The more my heart cant get enough
Thats when I love you,
When I love you no matter what
So when you turn to hide your eyes
Cause the movie it made you cry
Thats when I love you
I love you a little more each time
And when you cant quite match your clothes
Or when you laugh at your own jokes
Thats when I love you
I love you, more than you
l know
And when you forget that we had a date
Or that look that you get when you show up late
Baby I love you, I love you anyway
Heres my promise made tonight
You can count "on" me for life
Thats when i love you
When nothing you do can change my mind
The more I learn, The more I love
The more my heart cant get enough
Thats when I love you,
When I love you no matter what
Thats when I love you
When nothing baby
Nothing you do could change my mind
The more I learn,
The more I love
The more my heart cant get enough
Thats when I love you,
When I love you no matter what
No matter what
Hurhurs .
"And Thats When I Love You"
I Love You Hubby {:

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

HUBBY ! hurhurs (:
Hurhur ! Lol. Today was like so tiring. Geesh !
Though i should not say it, i am tired. Hahas. I didn't eat lunch luhs.
So did sisi. Thought got lunch break but don't have. But anyways.
Hahas. Uhh. And YAY ! Gadget team thought of something ! Heehees:DD
Lol. Geesh. Today went home and did pumping. And i think Andy would be happy about this.
Im Darker than EVER ! Argh ! Im gonna tan myself evenly one day. Hurhur !
ANYWAYS ! Ran aroud the Basketball court holding the rifle above the heads.
Wah, i thought i could die. But, NAHS ! Lol. Baoxin was so pale. Gosh. :XX
I didn't expect Ma'am Stephanie to turn up though .Lol.
Guess Ma'am Xinni was working. Hahas.
Hmm. Now i got 3 hubbies le ^^ Hur- hurs ! :XX
Lol. I hearts my hubbies okay ! :DD Hahas ! Hmm. Hahas.
Duno tmr playing basketball with Andy and Wesley anot. Geesh, not confrimed.
Hahas. But then looking forward to play basketball again luh.
So long never play le. And im so looking forward to excercising again .
Hur-hur ! But i only can shoot. Other than that, Duno le. Heehees.
And yeahs. Hahas. Actually, i have nothing to post luh. Hahas. :DD
Hmm. And yeahs. Heres the song of the day.
Titled: Never Let You Go By: Janice :DD
Dedicated to all and Especially my Hubby (: Loves :DD
Never let you go
The rain just never seems to bring
The joy I feel the same.
Everlasting pain of my loss remains.
My heart can’t seem to learn to part
The hold you left you mark.
All that I dreamed of now it seems so stark.
Though I told myself won’t hold my breath
a part of me was dying.
There is nothing left for me to do now.
But give in.
If you gave me one chance to tell you how I was feeling.
I would sing to you and tell you I won’t
Live my life without you.
If you gave me one chance to tell you how I was feeling.
I would hold your hand and look in your eyes.
And you know I’d never let you go.
The way you left me on the train.
I don’t know what to say.
I remember everything of that day
I can’t believe we’d never dance
I just need one more chance
To share the sunset our one last romance
Though I told myself won’t hold my breath
a part of me was dying.
There is nothing left for me to do now.
But give in.
If you gave me one chance to tell you how I was feeling.
I would sing to you and tell you I won’t
Live my life without you.
If you gave me one chance to tell you how I was feeling.
I would hold your hand and look in your eyes.
And you know I’d never let you go.
If you gave me one chance to tell you how I was feeling.
I would sing to you and tell you I won’t
Live my life without you.
If you gave me one chance to tell you how I was feeling.
I would hold your hand and look in your eyes.
And you know I’d never let you go.
"And yeahs. I would never let you go.
&& I promised i'll cherish you more,
And i will. "

Monday, December 3, 2007

Okay. Seriously speaking. Im not really in the mood right now.
Yeahs. But then, omgosh. Xing Guang Bang Autograph session I WANT to go !
Argh. But then don't know mum will let me go. Im dying to go.
Geesh ! Im totally desprate okays ! But DD didn't go ! Ahh !
Someone PLEASE shoot me ! :XX Hmm. If i can go, i would bring a lot of things man.
My poster , 2 albums, and MYSELF ! ^^ Heehees. Omgod. Please let me go.
If Not i die on the spot let you see. Lol. Geesh.
Anyways ! Managed to ton till 4am yesterday which was a record. Lol.
Because i thought without my laptop i would be sleeping. Grrs.
And yep. I said it. But not everything. I knew it wasn't right but then..
I still said it. Just don't know what he was thinking. Lol.
Anyways ! Tomorrow theres cca again. Hmm. Meeting sisi again.
Hurhuhr. She lost her damn fone and how in the world do i contact her?
Geesh ! uh. Hope i rmb to bring my paper. hahas, Yeahs.
Hmmm..Yeaaps. And i still remembered. :DDD
And song of the day is : Straight from the heart By: S club :XX
Straight from the heart
I see my future there in your eyes
Together and forever, it's you and me
You see cause I wont be listening
to what my friends have got to say
I know you'll be there all the way
You promised
And I knowThat you will always care
Through good times
Through bad times
You're always there
Hold me now don't ever let it go
I'm in love with you but you already know
I want this love to last and be forever
If you believe and you can only see
That making love to me would make your life complete
Hold me tight and say you'll leave me never
Straight from the heart you changed my life
forever more
I dream of waking up in your arms
And watch the sun bring in the day
You see what I can't imagine
I'm sure we can achieve
Which means giving up on this dream
You comfort
And you guide me
When skies are grey
And I feel you
And I need you
To say you'll stay
Hold me now don't ever let it go
I'm in love with you but you already know
I want this love to last and be forever
If you believe and you can only see
That making love to me would make your life complete
Hold me tight and say you'll leave me never
Straight from the heart you changed my life
forever more
Forever more
Forever more
Changed my life
You promised
And I knowThat you will always care
Through good times
Through bad times
You're always there
Hold me now don't ever let it go
I'm in love with you but you already know
I want this love to last and be forever
If you believe and you can only see
That making love to me would make your life complete
Hold me tight and say you'll leave me never
Straight from the heart you changed my life
forever more
Straight from the heart you changed my life forever
"Actually, this song is dedicated to you"
"I really wanna hear you say that you know just how it feels
To have it all and let it slip away, can't you see
Even though the moment's gone,
I'm still holding on somehow
Wishing I could change the way the world goes round"
"what i just wanted to tell you was
I Love you. "
Hubby :DD Huggs !
I didn't really expect myself to be posting again. Went out with family.
And YES ! Whacked Clarence pao pao cha. Heehees ! :DD
But then was really freaked out by the news on the chinese newspaper. Gosh.
They said that is someone calls your name in the middle of the night,
you shouldn't answer or your soul will get dragged to hell :XX GOSH !
Im so freaked out okay. Geesh. Now im even MORE afraid of the dark !
Wonder how im gonna survive the ton tonight. DIE ! :XXX
So frigging scary. Someone HELP ! Uhs, I seriously need a hug right now.
Geesh. Im getting all emo again. I wonder why.
I knew it wasn't right to love him but then i didn't stop myself.
Well, someone, anyone please shoot me now.
Anyway ! Finished reading my book. Stupid luhs. Nice story luhs. Hahas.
Want me to tell you the storyline ? ^^ Heehees. It goes like this. Hmm.
This girl loves this guy a lot. Because of no trust broke up.
Then didn't talk to each other, Keep fighting. And then in the end got each other a partner.
But then they still loved each other a lot. And they got new partners to forget the old one.
In the end fight fight fight. Then in the end together again luhs. Lol.
Just summarising it all. Anyways, its just like a love triangle. Lol.
Trust means a lot in a relationship. Yeaps. Hahas. Why am i saying these things.
I just feel like burying my head in my pillow and cry man.
I can't stop reminiscing about the past for once. Geesh. And yeaps.
Im weak, i know.
Wells, i rather you treat me like a girl and not like some guy or something.
It just breaks my heart into more than a Trillion pieces.
I know that She's everything im not. I really do.
I feel like i could just walk right into your heart now.
Geeshhhhhh !!~~ What the hell. URGH, madeline shutup !! :XXXX
The song of the day is : I gotta go my own way
By: Vanessa Hudgens.
gabriella: troy , listen
GABRIELLA:I gotta say what’s on my mind.
Something about us, doesn’t seem right
... these days.
Life keeps getting in the way.
Whenever we try,
somehow the plan, is always rearranged.
It’s so hard to say,
But I gotta do what’s best for me.
You’ll be okay...
I’ve got to move on, and be who I am.
I just don’t belong here,
I hope you understand.
We might find our place in this world someday,
But at least for now,
I gotta go my own way.
Don’t wanna leave it all behind.
But I get my hopes up, and I watch them fall,
every time.
Another color turns to grey.
And it’s just too hard... to watch it all...
slowly fade away.
I'm leaving today
'Cause I gotta do what’s best for me.
You’ll be okay...
I’ve got to move on, and be who I am.
I just don’t belong here,I hope you understand.
We might find a place in this world someday,
but at least for now,
I gotta go my own way.
TROY:What about us?
What about everything we’ve been through?
GABRIELLA:what about trust?
TROY:You know I never wanted to hurt you.
GABRIELLA:What about me?
TROY:What am I supposed to do?
GABRIELLA:I gotta leave but I’ll
both:miss you
GABRIELLA : Sooo.....I’ve got to move on,
and be who I am.
(Troy: why do you have to go?)
I just don’t belong here,I hope you understand.
(Troy: trying to understand)
We might find a place in this world someday,
but at least for now,
(Troy: I want you to stay)
I gotta go my own way.
I’ve got to move on, and be who I am.
(Troy: what about us?)
I just don’t belong here,I hope you understand
(Troy: try to understand)
We might find a place in this world someday.
but at least for now,
I gotta go my own way.
I gotta go my own way
I gotta go my own way
" i decided to go my own way"
Anyways ! YAY-NESS ! Today opened Mailbox and i got my scholarship ! ^^ WOOTS !
Hahahs. Later going out to change the hotel thingy to deluxe or something. Hmm.
Meeting boobs later on ! (: YAY ! :DD Can have the privilege of whacking his pao pao cha too.
Tonning later on at night. And i super do not admit that im a bookworm Andy !
Geesh ! Doesn't mean u read means you are bookworm uh. Im trying to improve my England.
Hahas ! Okay. Both Wesley & Andy bugged me to play PirateKingOnline. Gosh.
Don't know what the hell was that, Anyway. Went to the website and its so complicated.
Hahas. Then i don't know why its so frigging complicated. Maple still rocks. Yeahs.
And im so getting addicted on my book. Im finishing my 260pg book by today.
Yeahs. And i just started reading yesterday. URGH, it had to end so fast man. Geesh.
Hahas, i may have to change my specs again next year. Hmm. Hope not. Lol.
I don't even wear it. Like Duh. Like anyone ever saw me in my specs. Hahas.
Tonight confirm tonning ah ! :D Hahas. Didn't ton for so long le.
And Tuesday having campcraft. Hahas, i realised i got sunburnt really bad luhs.
"Last puzzle of your life " . Its sweet. But then i guess it wasn't possible.
Sorry. Thats all i could say. When you said that to me, i thought that my heart skipped 2 beats.
I was that suprised. Seriously, i just chua sai-ed. Geesh. Didn't reply after that.
Anyway ! (: So sorry Ben that i couldn't help u to train your account.
Simply was too afraid that i might die. Geesh. Im such a nub. -.-
Okay peeps. I gotta go out now. Won't be posting song of the day today.
Will be updating tomorrow then. Hahas. :XX Don't miss me yeahs ? Joke.
"Maybe we could be best friends :D
Who knows ? Hahas.
Really hope that it would work out."
&& I got over my major crisis ! :XX

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Okay. Today woke up frigging early just for Delifrance Breakfast. Damn. :XX
The whole of Northpoint wasn't even open yet la. Somemore the breakfast not fantastic at all.
Geesh. But then i persuaded mum to go AMK hub (: YAY- NESS !
Saw a lot of things i wanted. But mum just didn't want to buy them for me. Grr.
Lol. She doesn't let me take out my money either. See how i suffer?
I should have about 600 bucks in my bank which i worked so hard for. Hahas.
Uhh. So frigging fed up man. Geesh ! After that bought one pathetic magazine then went home.
Nothing to do then sleep luh. Hahas. Slept for about 5-6 hours. I think tonight don't nid to sleep le.
Mummy bought one cd. Xing guang da dao. Copy my Xing Guang Bang title la ! Baka ! :XX
And saw Xing guang bang and my Evan yo poster. Omgosh la.
I almost screamed at the Sembaway shop man. Urgh. Currently reading the book i borrowed.
Lol. I didn't know it was kindda vulgar man. Geesh. But interesting to read la. Hahas ! {:
And YAY-NESS ! Almost all my muscle aches healed during the past few days. ^^
Lol. Good good. Heehees :DD
After cracking my head yesterday, I FINALLY thought of something for the gadget making.
Sorry but can't mention what here, P & C you see. Hahas. But don't know will work out anot.
Haiz. Well, give it a try bahs. Hahas.At least better than nothing leh. Hmm.
Super super SORRY to Nagisa, and Debbi. :XX
Because having too many important activities on, couldn't go watch movie or hang out.
So so so SORRY !! :XX Geesh. Lol. I was wondering whether next year would be great. Hmm.
But maybe yes. Hahas. Bought 4D just now. Lol. Mum bought and i chipped in. Geesh !
Didn't strike T.T But no biggie anyway. Hahas. Like omgosh.
Im like reading the book and getting all emotional. Geesh. It sortta feels like its happening to me.Lol. Anyway ! Song of the day is 我一直都在 by : 林稷安 and 程于伦
"Even though i have nothing,
And you have everything,
But I have everything,
Because I don't lack anything at all . "