Friday, April 25, 2008

bummer. bummer. bummer. bummer.
somehow or rather, im back to being the old emo person.
Im sick. Im tired. Im heartbroken.
What do i know ?
I was stupid enough to ask that question.
And in the end i tend to find out things i'd rather not know..
Seeing was enough to make me cry.
And to make me do stupid things,
So i just emo-ed in class luh.
Din have the mood to study anyways.
Basically was studying alone after History 3ple S.
Until Lz came along.
Practically carried one pile of books home.
Walked through yishun park.
Was like sweating luhs.
Felt so sick.
To let go, its not easy.
Neither do i want to.
Feel like im rewinding back to the past,
when i feel the same pain over and over again.
But this time, it hurts, more than ever..
Whats the difference ?
Im already hurt anyways.
Urgh. Heart is physically pain.
Time, won't wait for anyone.
But i will wait for you.

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