Friday, April 11, 2008

God. OBS shirt ! :D
Hahas ! Took photo in my OBS shirt.
Sooo cool la cans. Lol.
Anyways. Today was a bummer day.
Well, practically everyday is luh.
And i fell out during rehearsal just now.
Kindda close to black out.
Probably didn't eat ?
Yeahs, prize giving rehearsal was a breeze.
BOW 90 degrees ! Thats Rina's Usual line -.-
Haiz. Im tired.
Tmr flag day. Sian luhhh.
Hahas, but maybe will be fun ?
Don't know. Hmms. Lol. :X
Seriously, im gonna go bugis street to shop. -.-
Buy all kinds of colours watch.
and and SUNGLASSES ! ~
HAHAS ! but im busy.
Lol. im gonna make annual camp a successed one.
Wish me luck !
But i dont think it counts on luck itself, but also hard work.
So yeahs. Im not gonna fail SS again.
Im gonna study and mugmugmug.
Later Bala nag me again lohhh . Lol.
Okais. Ciaos ~
i lovee you

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