Monday, December 1, 2008

Oh my gawd please.
I'm at Genting's lan shop.
Hahas. I'm itching to blog, thats why.
Okay, it has only been a day or so.
And i'm starting to miss Honey like hell.
Hope he's alright, i guess.
Okay, anyway.
Didn't visit the theme park.
Just sat flying coaster.
And Honey, i brought flu with me :D
Everywhere i went. I swear! ~
Hahas, bought a lot of things luh.
Spent 300 bucks in 2 days.
Aww, what to do, Genting's my shopping paradise.
Anyway, I miss Honey sooo much.
10x infinity + 1.
And and. Flu misses you too :D
Hahas! He actually went Shopping, KTV,
and wherever except toilet with me.
Hahas! What to do.
Okays, i'm off ~

I miss you honey,
And i love you ! ~

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