Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bonjour people ! :D
Today was a super mixed emotions kinda day.
Happy because i got to see Honey in the morning :D
Hahas! <3
And Daddy bought me this superb kawaii Pooh bear.
Hmm. Gonna name it..
Socks ! :D *jap tone please*
Hahas! I bet not many will know how to pronounce anyway.
Anyway. Daddy decided to buy a car.
A car that sucks, be it in colour or in brand.
Avante, blue. WTH.
I mean like, not classy at all please.
And if they were to choose that stupid colour, what for ask me along.
Dumb please.
Well, i'm never gonna let myself drive a non-classy car.
I want a FERRARI ! :D
Wooohooo ~
Okay. Went to Grandma's house for dinner.
Then to Giant. Buy groceries and stuff.
Super tired luh.
But i bet Honey's even more tired than me.
When i'm looking at shitty cars,
Honey was looking at super kawaii Golden Retriever pups man !
No fair no fair !
This sucks.
But at least i got to see Honey today. YAY ! :D
Honey's probably asleep right now.
Tired from all that cycling i guess.
Hahas. I'm also tired from all that walking,
nevertheless, here's a post for my faithful readers (:
Cool right !
Hahas. Alrights.

I love you Honey ! :D

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