Sunday, November 9, 2008

*edited :P *

Okay people ! :D
I'm back ~
Anyway. Confirmation camp rocks :D
Its like, though separated from friends,
I've made new ones !
I'm not that anti-social after all :P
Okay. I'll update on it then.
Day one :D
Practically, it was about 30 minutes ride i think.
Well, I brought an exceptionally small bag.
While Gwen on the other hand brought one luggage.
Natalie joined us at night after dinner.
Anyway, actually i can't remember whats on the first day.
Second Day
I remembered.
We had morning activity, exercise.
And okay. Captain's fruit.
God. That game almost murdered me.
Hahas, Imagine throwing fruits.
Which are going to rot but not yet.
Smells like puke though, Eeww.
I got a total of 4 kinds of fruits on me.
Thanks to Igy. Hahas!
It be different if i were in NVSS PE tee.
Hahas !
Anyway. After that was Praise and Worship or smth.
Cool man.
Ah. I remembered.
Nat and I were like so scared la.
I think you guys can guess pretty much ?
Okay. At least Nat could like sleep.
I invited her over to my bed since she was afraid.
So yeah, she slept at about 2am ?
But i was tossing and turning.
Thinking and imagining stupid things.
I mean like, yeah.
Then in the end i had to go to Igy for help.
And thanks to him comforting me,
I felt much much better, Thanks !
Okay, it pretty much helped a lot.
But the thunder vibrated the whole building.
Which was kinda creepy. Damn it.
Third day
Okay, thank the lord.
It was raining. soooo.
No PT.
Hahas ! ~
I skipped breakfast.
I forgotten whats after that.
Ah. Javis came to preach.
And i tell you people ,
I've never cried so much in my life.
Okay, at first there wasn't any tear.
Nat started tearing first.
Then followed by me.
Well, i could say, i was touched by God.
I don't know myself.
I only know i asked myself :
"Jesus have done so much for me.
But what have i done in return ? "
And with that, i started crying like crazy.
Okay, not that crazy.
And my mum's card made it worst.
First time soo touching pleaseee :D
I've opened up quite a lot.
So yeah. (:
In conclusion
Hmm. Actually, this camp was damn fun.
No stress, no nothing.
But, i want to thank my Facilitators,
Chelsea, Kevin 1, Kevin 2, and including Igy :D
If it weren't for them, i wouldn't have open up so much.
Be it to God, My group or whatsoever.
It was really fun.
And like OBS, if there was a second time, I'd go man.
:D Im not kiddin'.
Anyway, I'm gonna make up for my lost sleep. (:
I think Igy should too.
Hmm. Okays.
Ciaos ! ~

When the world changes.
Everything changes along with it.
Including You, and Me.

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