Saturday, November 15, 2008

Okay people ! :D
Its like 3.01am now.
So yeah.
I'm here to crap about today as well as my resolutions for next year :D
Bear with me.
Alrighty, first off.
Today went out to North Point with Stephanie to meet Honey.
The plan initially was to explore the new library.
But yeah, anyway.
We went inside North point and walked around admiring all the super cute toys.
After that, we decided to go Causeway Point.
So we were sort of window-shopping.
After that we headed outside for the Pasar Malam.
Bought something to eat and we headed off to Sembawang,
To meet Chelsea and Cris.
Saw Debbi and Aisya at the MRT station.
Its a small world after all ! :D
So we just walked around again, and went into the library to sit.
Went to Yamaha, and woah.
I was like, " i'm sooo gonna buy this next time ! "
Okay, after that we left and Headed back to Yishun,
Cause Stephanie and I had to go home while the rest had Project J afterwards.
And Guess what.
Saw Kristin and Sisi ! :D
Seriously, how small is Singapore ?
So we said our goodbyes on the 804 on the way home.
Okay, this is the first most detailed post I've ever posted this year.
And here i am drinking milo while having Gastric pain.
High metabolism is seriously.. bad in a way.

So for now, Resolutions cum wishes !
Lets see ;
-Get back my first position in class :D
-Super good grades :D
-Learn Piano/ Violin.
-A dog :DD
-No more Curfews !
-New Lappy.

And lastly..


Ciaos people! :D
Without you where do i belong ?

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