Monday, November 17, 2008

This Morning when i woke up.
Seriously, i could hardly open my eyes.
As in, so swollen please.
Morever, i can hardly see now even with my night light on at night.
I think my night-blindness is getting worse.
Hahas ! Who knows, maybe i'll become blind.
Anyway, today's training was alright i guess.
We're doing fancy drills for CCA open house :D
Throughout the training i was seriously worried.
But yeaps. Honey is alright, for now.
Went out for lunch with Honey after Training just now.
Probably because of NP, won't get to see Honey much.
What to do ?
Haiz. Baka's out at Mandai zoo today.
So envious la.
She can stay out late and i can't .
So freaking unfair please !
DUH. We're only like one year difference.
And she got her DSL yesterday. BLACK !
I help her choose, thats why cool. *giggles*.
Can't wait to go Genting cum KL.
Ahh !~ Miss steamboat sooo much.
I ain't called a shopping queen for nothing alrights.
Of course, i'm soooo gonna miss Honey when i'm gone.
So yeahs. Thats all i think. For today.
Ciaos people ! ~

If you weren't here with me,
I don't know how i can carry on .
Honey, i love you. (:

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