Sunday, March 30, 2008

Okays. The trip to the zoo was a completely wasted onee.
And just went there to feed the mosquitoes and tio blue-black.
Kns. Anyways. Saw one damn damn big orang utan. Lol,
Seriously. Bigger than ah meng -.-
Okays, i seriously hope that things would work out.
And bana mommy won't go . T.T
Thinking of it makes me feel like crying luh.
And im emotional again.
Ciaos ~
Just want to say,
Sorry guys .

Friday, March 28, 2008

You don't have any idea how upset i am.
Okays. Im soo frigging upset la.
What day is today ?
knn. Sorry for the language. But yeahs.
First, Campcraft competition.
Then NO marksman.
THEN now this.
I don't want to loose my mummy.
Lose cc comp, can go again.
No marksman, next year retake la.
No mummy. I'll quit.
Okays. I don't want to change my mummy la.
You have no idea how much i cried.
That was how disappointed with myself.
If mummy is gone, i wouldn't stay on too.
Like why should i.
I see no point.
Sorry mummy if we had made you angry and Disappointed.
I know that we have not make you happy since the day you took care of us.
I know that we are always not up to standard and to your expectations.
But we are trying really hard.
I know you are disappointed. Just that you don't show it.
I know im being emotional and stuff.
But.Even if it means giving up everything i achieved, i don't mind.
I just want my bana mummy back T.T
Bad day. Thats why its BLOODY FRIDAY.
Sorry guys. Thats all. No mood luh.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bonjour peoplee ! :DD
Today was funfunfun !
Shooting sooo fun luhs.
Hahas ! I was shooting bird in the first found. -.-
Like, 9/16 went in -.-
Then second round, 17/16 went in ! ^^
I guess i shot extra. HAHS ! :X
Anyways. Tomorrow is the classification shoot.
Seriously speaking. IM DAMN NERVOUS.
Hahs ! Lol. Say byebye to marksman. -.-
Anyways. I won't tolerate any nonsense okays.
I don't care whether or not you are my friend.
As long as you piss me off, you're dead.
Theres a limit to my patience okays.
And that patience is running low.
So yeahs. Self-control.
Hahas, yeahs.
Im soo bored lahs. Surds test next thurs. DIE.
Andandand. I passed standard form with 17/20 !
And plus, i already got gold for sit-up and 2.4km for the time being.
Hahs ! Gold, here i comee ! :DDD
Lol. If from fail--GOLD, its a miracle!
Cos i really ran like soo hiong lahhs.
After school was like gonna vomit -.-
HAHS ! okays.
Off to sleep.
Ciaos ! ~

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

like. HAHAS !
I got my OBS shirt thanks to Jasiman. :D
Anyways, Im still pissed off with pushcart and some other issues.
Really, it makes you feel like punching someone -.-
Okays, any PSP games to recommend ? 0.0
I'll try downloading first and transfer later to PSP. :X
If i fail my Standard form test ,i'll kill myself -.-
Lol. Anyways !
LOVES ! x3
Soo stress.
Soo tired.
Im sorry boy.
But there is only so much i could do for you.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Helloooo people !
Mum and Dad read my messages.
Like. What the hell lahs.
Then they happened to see something which got me into deep shit.
Grrs. then somemore call that person up luhs.
Kns. :X Totally apologetic to that person now. -.-
Okays. Hahas. Now at my aunt house.
No mum and dad here to nag.
Sortta good lahs. Lol.
Anyways. Yesterday's competition.
Seriously, i failed myself terribly.
Cried like hell.
Haiz. Anyways.
Dad going indo tmr.
And he is gonna take my PSP with him ! T.T
Pushcart sale sucks okays.
I don't care whether its for the needy or not.
It so makes my blood boil.
As if im not pissed enough,
Its making it worse.
Im tired. Im tired of who i am,
who im supposed to be and what i should do.
Im tired of thinking and doing and doing for nothing.
My life sucks okays.
I mean it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

So Yeahs. Please dont message me.
Urgh. What a bad day -.- Kns.
Its raining. Hope sat's not raining. hmms. (:
Ciaos ! :X

Hope nothing will go wrong. I guess.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Im staying over at my aunt's house.
hahas. Didn't waste my water for nothing. Lol. ~
Okays. Thats the update.
:D ciaos.
p.s. Thanks mommy ! (:
Okays. Mommy is being so damn unreasonable.
She said i couldn't go to the campcraft competition.
And guess what.
Somemore in the middle of mass leh !
Kns ! Wah piangs. Can't they be more like understanding :(
You can imagine how upset i was mannn.
She said NP was taking to much of my time .
Blahblahblahs. Like hell i care. Its my interest what.
Kns. -.- Argh. so pissed luh.
Competition comes like once in my lifetime.
Holiday comes a thousand times in my lifetime.
Why can't she understand that ?
What can't God understand my total misery.
He's just trying to kill me la okays. :X
Lol. oh wait.
My sister said : eh now mummy making you stay yi yi house leh !
HAHS ! omg. i won ? Lol. Nahs. I'll update later.
Now she's complaining to my aunt. Lol.
Like. can i stay at home.
I cook, i clean and i promise to be home by 7pm EVERYDAY ! :D
Lol. U[date later luhhs.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Helloooo peoplee. :D
Now, im writing my 100 pledges.
HAHS ! Can't believe it though. Hongsiang finished it !
OMG. 100 lehs ! Kns. Hahas !
Don't know how he did that and its like so fast la cans. 0.0
Anyways !
Let me tell u something lame la okays.
I mopped my house ! :DD
My neighbours baby shit on it.
You could imagine, HAHS !
Okays. Lame. And my Amaths homework is like, untouched.
Lol. 5 More Days (:
I'll try my luck for my psp. :DDD
omg. Lol. Going Port dickson next friday..
i forgot !
Campcraft comp ! ..
ARGHHH, why must clash together ! T.T
I don't wanna miss campcraft competition.
Neither do i want to miss my holiday.
I'd rather competiton be today. -.-
You can't imagine how frustrated i am. 0.0
Homework, Competition, pledge, Holiday !?
Omg. Lol. I really think i should go for competition instead. But then. -.-
Lol. Mummy will sooo kill me. Shit.

I feel like,
I don't know you anymore.

Friday, March 14, 2008

It's not who you are that holds you back,
it's who you think you are not.

Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing,
of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.
Go ahead and break my heart.
It's useless without you anyways
Today was promotion test.
Okays. I was so damn nervous ! :X
shitshitshitshitshit. -.-
Hahas ! But its over luh. Nvm.
Lol. Ahhs ! Finally can go rest. Shoulders are soo aching.
omgomgomgomg DGM, allen walker is back !
Like YEAHS ! :DD
Campcraft training next wed.
Cool man ! :D Totally forgot about CC competition.
The camp lahhs. Make me so nervous. Lol.
And and, i got an ulcer on my gum T.T
superduperrrr painful !
HAHS! Okays.
I have a pile of A maths homework due nxt week.
Im gonna die. Lol.
I'll work on it tmr then.
I must work hard during this semester.
Or not i can forget about my purple PSP. T.T
HAHS ! For the sake of BURNOUT, wo ping le !!!!
Okays. Crapping.
Ratatouille said: KANNA-SAI ! {x
Ciaos !

Thursday, March 13, 2008

This whole week was practically NPCC and more NPCC.
Im going crazy. Lol. And and.
Two words to describe PK course: damn boring :XX
HAHS ! I was dozing off lahhh cans !
And Tomorrow is our promotion test. Hmms.
All not ready bahs. I can also say, Im NOT ready.
Hahas, but must have confidence. Right ? 0.0 Lol.
SGT here i comeeee :DDD
Diaos. Okays. Im terribly sleepy.
And mummy is nagging at me for having np like almost everyday.
Aiya. Nvm right ! Kns. Lol. I loveee np :DD
Hokkien Ratatouille said: Im not eating shit anymore ! :X
Hahas ! :D Hilarious man.
Oh. and a little nutty flavour.
ciaos ! ~
I can only say,
whatever happened was just an illusion.
and it so didn't happen to me.
i hope.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hellooooo peopleee :D
HAHS ! :X Anyways. So tired. Lol.
Today was PK course.
Not gonna emphasise on what happened.
It kindda suck luh. Thanks all.
Lol. And the 9 hour lecture, was so boringggg.
Im like dozing off luhs. Don't know will pass tmr's test anot.
HAHS ! Saw Huiying there also. Lol. :X
Terrance jealous right !!~~ :XXXXX
like omg. LOl. go see a video.
For people who are super duper boreddddd. (:
Hahas ! okays. superr bored. gonna sleep soon. tmr pk course test :DD
So yeahs.
I would pick that last star for you.
and only you.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

somehow. I didn't know whether you cared.
i didn't know whether to believe you, or not.
i don't want you to say things to make me happy.
I'd rather those things were not true at all.
Somehow. I feel so lonely, despite the crowd around me.
Somehow, im left in the dark to withstand everything on my own.
Somehow, i felt like crying and shouting out.
You just don't know how hurt i am.
How confused i am.
How lost i am.
How depressed i am.
God has been taking me on a ride.
Up down up down up and all the way down again.
I can't believe i would hurt so much inside.
why, why me ?

Helloooooo peopleee :DDD
Hahas. Unfortunately, im still frigging tired. HAHS.
Today didn't go for POA. Because my legs didn't want me to :X
So, slacked until about 10 plus then went for Amaths.
Compulsory you see ?
So yeahs, practically dozing off in class.
My toe has a huge blister that i can hardly even walk luh.
Im crippled ! :X Shit. Lol.
Anyways. Went to mit Sisi and Nagisa at Northpoint after lessons.
HAHS ! Was sooo fun luh cans. Lol.
We went timezone. 0.0 Lucky i wear art club tee.
Ms Jane tan saved me ! :DD

Then theres this weird guy, tapped me on the shoulder.
Chua sai.
He was like " can i have your number ? "
I was like. " Er, no? "
:X okays. So was practically weird. Yeahs. -.-
Then sian le. Went out of timezonee.
So, we saw Zappy, bobo and churen 0.0
HAHAS! :XX i was like, eh eh eh ? ? Lol.
okays. Here's the reply of tagggs.

TERRANCE: ehs? Lol. i never laaaaaa ! ~
HUIYING:Hahas! Eh tell him im innocent !
KAILUN:Lol ? Yeah loh. sue him for abusing your name !
JIAXIN:Lol ! anoh ! He accuse meeee ! :XXXX HAHS !
SKY: Lol ! anohs. molest nid to kanna sue de lehhs. dowan dowan -.-
SISI: Hahas! Okays. I go call ! :X

Lols. okays. watching anime. HAHS.
Tmr pk course. So tiredd.
I love mylittleretardedboy.
but i know he doesn't.

Monday, March 10, 2008

And im almost died. Lol.
Im sooo busy luhhs. kns. T.T
Want to rest and sleep also cannot !
Tmr gt Amaths and POA.
Thursday not going. Cos have PK course.
Andand ! Hope huiyings's there :DD
Hahaas. Im still sleepy after i napped for 5 hours. :X
Okays. my legs are still aching.
Hurhurs. Overall, the camp was okay.
I don't want to comment on anything about it.
Kindda pointless also.
So yeahs.
Somehow my old injury is back.
due to streneous excercise. -.-
Its just like in ATC. Hahas. :X
eh ! walk to Sembawang park you know !
Not your house leh ! :X
its worth it. Building sand castles was soooo fun ! :D
Got back my results.
Passed everything except physics.
BUT, i passed sub overall. So yeahs ! :D
got nagged at just now. sian luh.
and and and. i got to peg man ! omg !
hahas ! so high luhs. But tio blister everywhere luh -.-
had NAPFA training last at night yesterday.
So tiring. Sisi almost blacked out :X Lol.
andandand !
ma'am sharbana can run so many laps without stopping luh.
its almost incredible. 0.0 omg. Lol.
i was like staring luh. hahas !
anyways. i got to be decisive. Lol.
i practically don't know what i want.
and what to do. im slow -.-
hahas. madeline madeline.
Face it. its your life, not others.
ohohohohohs. For a moment.
i thought UG camp was in school. Lol.
stupid me -.- Anyways.
nobody is bias to anybody okays.
if you want to think that way then please go ahead.
you won't far ahead in life okays.
kns. okays. hongsiang PC leh ! :D
omgomgomg. hahas !
its something you don't get to see everyday. :X

He's a yellow person you see ?
- Yellow house tee.
- Yellow poncho
- Yellow Beach bag.
serious serious ! i was like laughing luh !
and and. the contrast is like the same lohs ! Cool man !
Lol. ok. im sooo sleepy. Pig ah. hahas ! :X
im gonna abstain from maggi mee for a month or so.
AND. i miss mylittleretardedboy (:
Loves ! :D

Saturday, March 8, 2008

What Hurts The Most
I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
That don’t bother me
I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I’m ok
But that’s not what gets me
What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was tryin’ to do
It’s hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But I’m doin’ It
It’s hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I’m alone
Still Harder
Getting up, getting dressed, livin’ with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken
What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do
What hurts the mostIs being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do
Not seeing that loving you
That’s what I was trying to do

Friday, March 7, 2008


Thursday, March 6, 2008

PHEW. I just finished my "proposal". And its like 11.25pm now.
Blame me luh. I took afternoon nap just now :XX Hurhurs.
But, im still sleepyyy. Hahas, my mind is in confusion now.
And and, NCO CAMP IS COMING. omgomgomgomg. Lol. :X
Stress seriously can do many things.
Like, killing your precious brain, turning you into a STM,
and retarded person like me. HAH!
Okays. Im so so so lazy to update.
I just want to thank the NCOs for the layout :D
ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou ! (:
Loveee you guys !! :DDDDDDD
Hahas ! Its gonna be a BLAST man !
Its me, my fellow cadets and CIs ! Woo!
Okays. Lol. Im crazy.
HAHAS, im going to sleepppp now. TIRED !
No matter how busy i am, i will still think of you (:

i loveeeeeeeeee you ! :D

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hmphs. Are we even that ?
Conflicts conflicts and more conflicts.
AWW, i loveee my friends. Hahas !
Okays. Im seriously moodless.
Kindda preparing for NCO camp :D
Printing and printing.
Stupid indices notes, I suck at maths.
So yeahs. An easy chapter like Indices, i need notes -.-
I printed 13 pages + 2 pages online.
Quite useful i guess.
I lost my maths notebook.
Which is like so frigging sad. -.-
And and ! I found my thumbdrive ! :DDD
Hahas. Like finally ? I will die without it.
Don't worry thumb drive, I won't lose you againnnn ! :X
Lolssss. I guess. Hurhurs.
Im sooo nervous.
Nervous capacity last week : 90 / 100 N^c.
Nervous capacity Now: 110/100 N^c
Die. Hahas. Its just like a test.
You've got to study it. (:
And yeahs. Im revising my notes.
And Binomial Theorem is killing me. -.-
Hahas. Okays. I'll update tmr, i hope (:

Countdown to NCO Camp: 2 days
Countdown to Campcraft competition : 9 days

I kept trying to find my way,
but other than that,
im lost without you.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I Don't Want To be Loved By Anyone Else,
Except You.

Like. Helloooooooo peopleee :DD
Npcc doesn't suck okays. -.-
I loveee npcc ! :DDDDDD
Lol. anyways. i failedddd PHYSICS !~
Like what the hell right ?
Andndand. By two marks.
And mr tan is soooo stuffing my with Amaths and emaths homework.
Im dying. HELPPPPPPP ! ~
Hahas. Okays. Lame.
Okays. thats all.
Ciaos ~

Monday, March 3, 2008

I just couldn't help thinking about you.
As much as i don't want to.
I hate myself.
But i just love you.
Thats about it.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Kimberley Locke - Without You Lyrics
(feat. Clay Aiken)

Never even thought to cry
When I heard you say goodbye
Never said where you were going
There's no laughter in the air
Only silence everywhere
And so much left unspoken
Since you've been gone
I haven't been the same
I wish that i could see
Who's to blame
Without you,
where do I belong?
Without you, how can I go on?
And No love but yours will ever do
Tell me how am i supposed to live my life?
Without you
Was I lost in you and me
To the point i couldn't see
That what we had was dying
Now it's all that I can do
To see photographs of you
And stop myself from crying
I should learn to live without your love
Got so many memories
But it's not enough
Without you, where do i belong?
Without you, how can i go on?
And No love but yours will ever do
Tell me how am I supposed to live my life
Without you?
I feel helpless and, oh, so all alone
Like I've never felt before
You made me feel alive
But I don't remember what it's like anymore
Without you, where do I belong?
Without you, how can I go on?
And No love but yours will ever do
Tell me how am I supposed to live my life
Without you?
Without you, where do I belong?
Without you, how can I go on?
Tell me how am I supposed to live my life
Without you?
Oh baby where do I belong?
Please tell how can I go on?
Without you...

to mylittleretardedboy.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


再怎麼美丽也只能是曾经 .


E is for emotional, ruins everybody's day !
M is for Miserable peeeeople ! ~
O is for on the darrrkkk side ~ !
CAUSE we have some fresh COOKIES !
woww ~~~~ !

okay. I was boredddd. :X