Sunday, March 16, 2008

Okays. Mommy is being so damn unreasonable.
She said i couldn't go to the campcraft competition.
And guess what.
Somemore in the middle of mass leh !
Kns ! Wah piangs. Can't they be more like understanding :(
You can imagine how upset i was mannn.
She said NP was taking to much of my time .
Blahblahblahs. Like hell i care. Its my interest what.
Kns. -.- Argh. so pissed luh.
Competition comes like once in my lifetime.
Holiday comes a thousand times in my lifetime.
Why can't she understand that ?
What can't God understand my total misery.
He's just trying to kill me la okays. :X
Lol. oh wait.
My sister said : eh now mummy making you stay yi yi house leh !
HAHS ! omg. i won ? Lol. Nahs. I'll update later.
Now she's complaining to my aunt. Lol.
Like. can i stay at home.
I cook, i clean and i promise to be home by 7pm EVERYDAY ! :D
Lol. U[date later luhhs.

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