Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chiwassu ! :D
I blogged on the secret. Hmms.
Maths. A total bummer -.-
And im so failing emaths for CA.
Like, which retard would pass a maths and fail emaths ?
Geesh. Having A maths test on friday.
Boys CC comp cming. Stress ! :X
Anyways ! After 2 days of slogging making hearts,
I've done it ! 193 + . Ehs? Im slow i know -.-
Lol. And putting that aside.
I cut my index finger today, apart from the other fingers.
So painful luh cans. T.T Quite deep. Geesh -.-
It was worth it ^^
Heehees, anyways.
I finished watching ' His and Her Circumstances' .
Nice luh -.- I strongly recommend.
Anyways. Im running for cross country :D
Hahas. Hope to at least get a pathetic number-.-
Yeahs. Anyways, keeham, thanks for the bear (:
Its so cute luh cans . Lol. :D
&& I passed my POA for CA !
Totally cannot believe that Lim would let me pass. (8
I cannot believe that punching the wall actually feels damn shiok.
But its like, I can't now.
Or not someone would ignore me for 2 weeks.
And its gonna be damn sad . Yeahs.
Walked home with Lester just now.
Cause that Susu. Psed me. Evil girl. Hmphs :XXX
Lol. I think i can change my name to plaster girl le.
Three fingers with plaster, plus another one on my knuckle.
Campcraft training tmr. Yeahs ! :D
Lol. Anyways, Happy anniversary Ben ! :D
Hahas !
I think thats all. Hmms.
I can't believe my birthday is cming soon,
I have no idea of what to ask from my parents. Suggestions ? 0.0
Lol. Have to bully them la. They bully me. :XX
I've ran outta plasters. Shit. -.-
I gotta rreturn the penknife for safe keeping :D

虽然许多爱的可能 在门外经过
为甚么我还深锁自己 无动于衷

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