Friday, February 15, 2008

Hello ! Hahas.
Happy Valentines Day to all. (:
And to all to had a happy time, grats ! :D
Lol. Once again, love you guys !
Hahas. Im going to puke from all the food that i ate just now.
Nevertheless, thank you officers !
Hahas. And thanks to those who gave me presents.
Love you guys loads. :DD
And yeahs. As friends only la -.-
Hahas. Exception for retarded boy ^^
Lol. :XX
Debbi for that cute little box. Love it man (:
Noreen for that cute cute flower :D Loves !
Cindy for the Nike waterbottle. Hahas. Thanks girl !
Yewfai for that cute hedgehog. Hope you love tigger too. Lol.
And for ppl who misunderstand,
whats wrong with giving a friend a present -.-
Geesh,cheers anyways ! :D
And finally !
Sisi for that cute sheep which i named : " BAA -- ABBB "
I bet you guys duno how to pronounce its name ^^
Love you girl ! :DDD
Okays. That was a long speech.
Anyways. I did celebrate Valentines day.
Lol. Not with anybody,
But with my favourite CIs and Cadets :DD
Hearts ! (:
To those out there,
Valentine's day is not just on the 14th Feb.
Its Everyday for those who Love each other. (:
Its crucial, Choosing Chairperson and all.
But whats the point of being enthusiastic,
at the last moment when it isn't real?
Seriously don't like this kind of ppl.
Really doesn't show your own potential.
Im not pointing to anyone out there.
And ppl are really starting to throw attitude now.
And i seriously don't give a damn. -.-
Hahas. Craps.
Got cut by a piece of glass luh.
Doesn't matter pain or not luh.
Its no difference to me anyway.
Anyways ! Had to salute like three times today.
Cos Frigging Koh was like : Not good ! sing again -.-
Knn. Hahas. So yeahs. Today pt was fun ! :D
I thought i was going to have to run five rounds.
But nopes. I want luh. I dowan fail 2.4.
Or should say, fail Napfa.
Its damn embarrassing.
And will drag the whole unit.
Mind you, we got a GOLD okays. :X
Hahas. This year we must get gold also.
Im thinking emo all the time.
Im often staring into blank space.
Which is like totally retarded.
During History, Bala keep arrowing me.
So baka la cans. And yeahs.
Im looking forward to NYAA.
Im so gonna learn japanese. Lol.
Hmms. Gonna watch Dgrayman.
Happy Valentine's Day Retard,
Last long with her.
ILY (:

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