Thursday, November 29, 2007

Yo babes ! :DD Woo ! Today had Cca again. Was not tired la.
Just sunburnt until like a lobster only luh. Hahas.
Anyways. Just can't think of any idea of the gadget thingy. Man ! Im here Just shoot me ! :XX
Hahas ! Okays. Later will ton and will think at the same time ^^ Heehees ! :DD I guai right !
Lmaos. No la. Hahas. Will be preparing for Cca open house too i think.
Lol. Kindda hope to get into Pds team ^^ Heehees ! :DD Today Hong siang didn't turn up.
Gonna smack his pantat man ! :X Evil la. Smsed him u know.
Just now was slack luh. But then tio sunburn, and now im blacker than ever. Geesh !
Hahaas. Ma'am Jia xin was cracking her brain really hard. And could see she was going crazy too.
Lol. But then she going CI camp. Man, i hate Pula Ubin lah ! Stupid slopes ! :XX Grrs.
Just now had like one hour break & was like slacking.
Sisi and i were heading to the market opposite our sch la.
So i was looking for something in my bag and walking at the same time. Lol.
Then Ma'am Sharbana suddenly chua me say Hello Madeline (:
Wah. Then i auto reply Hello leh :XX I thought who man ! Hahas ! Anyways.
Gonna be a long holiday because have to go back for training and stuff. Geesh.
Aiya. Beats staying at home playing maple all day. Stupid routine. Lol.
And i love my cca more than anything else. Heehees ! Simply rocks. Hahas !
I need inspiration people ! :DD HELPPP ! ~ argh . Brain crack le.
Ma'am Xinni didn't turn up. She was working i heard. Well who knows.
Bumped into Jojo in the morning also. Lol. She chio sia. :DD Heehees.
Ahs. Speaking of today. I had Siew Mai for breakfast. Bought at 7 -11. Then ate on the bus.
I was eating it. Then when it came to the last piece, the bus sortta jerked and then guess what.
I didn't choke la huh. But then my poor Siew Mai flew infront. Lol. Then i was like Shit -.-
Hahas. Then say : sisi, later u step then pua toh den don blame me uh :XX Heehees .
Anyways, glad to be bak to rifle ! (: hahas ! Love it man. Heehees. But getting better at it though.
:D I can finally throw the rifle and its a miracle ! Wee ! So hyper today cans. Hahas !
Lol.And like YAY ! Dexter intro me new songs. Nice leh ! :DD Hahas. ANYWAYS !
Anyways. I think you all would have heard of this song. Meaningful song la. (:
周杰伦 - 我不配
作词:方文山 作曲:周杰伦
这感觉 已经不对 我努力在挽回
 一些些 应该体贴的感觉 我没给 
你嘟嘴 许的愿望很卑微 在妥协
 是我忽略 你不过要人陪
这感觉 已经不对 我最後才了解
 一页页 不忍翻阅的情节 你好累
 你默背 为我掉过几次泪 多憔悴
 而我心碎你受罪 你的美 我不配
&& i knew it was not possible at all.
Because you gave me hopes,
But you made them fall everytime.

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