Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hahas ! Omgosh man ! Im like posting for the 3rd / 4th time le today ! Im going mad. Someone, Anywone ! Play basketball ??!! And im so damn zi lian today okays. Ah. Thanks for your compliment of saying me BLACK uh Andy. Hahas ! Same family le. Lol. Smsing Ben now. Bored bored. Oh oh. Now that i think of it, i haven buy my books yet. Hahas ! Didn't know that Ben toh was more of a cash freak then me =x Boy. Hahas . Wah Piang eh. Din sponsor me. T.T Hahas ! Im so gonna die next year. Because have POA , and A maths. DIE . Mug liao Lohr. Haiz. Don't mind. But want to buy books now leh ! Den can mugmugmug faster den faster. Heehees :D isn't that great? I hardworking right ?! Bwuahahs ! =x Okay. Is being " BLACK " a compliment or what ? Hahas ! Well, someone PLEASE give me MOTIVATION to play maple. Last time when i created cleric gt ppl motivate. Lol. Cash Korh was the one motivating me to chiong to 50 cos i promised him la. So, motivation gone den now happy wanderer in maple. Lol. Cannot train with pro. BECAUSE ! Will die. Don't believe ? Train with Andy, Ben & Clarence; hunter590 will SURE confirm DIE DIE DIE ! I had second hand experience, because through the key board. Hahas ! Cash Korh busy so cannot have any motivation. Lol. Im dead man ! Jas jie also .PIANG EH ! But im glad that i groomed LIKEEDUHH to become a bu nan bu nu de character -.- Well, only blind ppl will think its boy la. Hahas ! Kukuu heads. Heehees ! Ah, he cant sms. So im like frigging bored here alrights. Hahas. And im DESPERATE for a Handphone. Wow. In a blink of an eye, its already 10 pm !! Hell yeah :D Hahas ! I bet i'll wake up tmr morning staring at the blank wall again -.- Yeahs. Another day to a blank life. BUTBUTBUT ! Looking foward to my Xing Guang Bang 2nd CD ! YAY-NESS ! (x

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