Thursday, November 1, 2007

I know i look like a complete idiot in there. Today is a bad bad bad and super terrible day. Okay, i really feel like crying my heart out. I was just holding it back. I think i don't talk about it better. The more i write the more i feel frustrated. Today had PDS again, at Peiying and Ahmad Ibrahim Pri. AI is like damn rich la. So big. I feel so embarrassed for our sch. Hahas, sickening day. No mood, No fun and No life. And like what the hell, mum don't want to buy haversack for my ATC camp. Fug la. Why is my life so miserable ! I think even if i take my own money come out and buy also she don't allow la. Cheebye. Even if i tell myself its alright, i know its not. Boy, its so hard to maintain a positive attitude because i feel like slashing again. Worrying about so many things, like PDS, the appeal for express, ATC camp and relationships.Wow. Im so damn damn gonna go mad. After PDS slacked and went to Northpoint to eat Long John but in the end ate BK, oh wells. After that went to Timezone play BB. Zul went to drive his car. Hahaas. Then went home. The rest went to Gulfran's house to sleep and play. Then thats the end. Later going out to eat with auntie. Come to think of it, i think that im a child of not my mother, not god. Because god helped me with everything while my mum, just feed me and give me a place to stay, its not called home. Its called a roof to live in. I just feel like i don't belong to this world anymore.

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