Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hahas ! I did this in photoshop yesterday. Not perfect to you guys, But, GOOD enough for me le la. Hahas, but anyway, today pds, cocked up a little. Omgosh la. Hahaas. But never mind le la. End of PDS ! But start of camp. What the hell, argh ! Spent money buying twine and trackpants. My mum yelled again la. Grr, stacy whacked my tailbone super pain. Wa lau. violent. Hahaas ! Im gonna miss pds bahs. Hahas, Mdm koh treated us Pelican pizza. Din hear of it before. Hahas.But anyway, left for Np to mit Sisi. Then buy twinee. She was talking to Wainee, she was asking about ERHEM !* QUESTIONS on science. LOL. Totally disgusting. Hahaas. People were like staring at us ! Anyway, went home den blogged. Hahas ! Ciaos ~

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